在 中根據上述案例顯示,其長期改善計劃確認提到了(政策和程序,溝通,培訓和技能,監督和跟蹤)5 個部分,然而每項措施均缺少具體細節,只是泛泛而談。請參考計劃指南里的說明:每項措施至少應包含“誰(負責人)、何時、什么方式、實施頻率、實施對象等”。請看下列紅色評語:
1. Create the first aid policy 制定急救政策
a. Who drafted the policy? What information will be added to the policy? 誰負責起草?政策需要包含哪些主要信息?
2. Communicate this with all employees 與所有員工溝通
a. How will the policy be communicated? By what means? How often (please include details about frequency)? Who will be responsible for making sure that these policies are communicated across your company? 怎樣溝通該政策? 采取什么方式?多久一次?誰負責傳達?
3. Provide training for first aider and employees 給急救員和員工提供培訓
a. What kind of training will be provided (please include specific details)? Who will train the employees? Will all employees be trained on these new policies? How to train/by what means? How often? 提供什么類型的培訓(主要內容)?誰負責培訓?是否所有員工參加?通過什么形式培訓?多久一次?
4. Admin. Department inspect the kits regularly 行政部會定期檢查藥箱
a. Who specifically in the Admin. Dept. will be responsible? How will this be monitored? What items should be inspected? How often is regularly (include specific details about frequency: e.g. monthly, quarterly, and yearly)?) 行政部哪位員工負責?怎樣監管?檢查什么項目?定期是指多久一次(如每月、每季或每年)?
5. Admin. Department will be responsible for this 行政部負責此改善
a. Again, who specifically in the Admin. Dept. is the responsible person and what is his/her title and position? How will details of all of the different steps of this corrective action plan be managed? 同樣,行政部哪位員工總負責?他/她的職位是?如何管理每項措施的改善進度?
-立即改善行動已接受;Immediate Action is ACCEPTED;
-根本原因需要修改;Root Cause is INCOMPLETE and must be revised;
-長期改善計劃需要修改。Corrective Action is INCOMPLETE and must be revised.